How to Hold an Online Board Meeting

Board meetings online can be conducted with all the benefits of a meeting in person. You can make your meetings more efficient and efficient by allowing everyone to be involved and utilizing modern tools for online collaboration. However, you’ll need to ensure that all the necessary elements are in place.

Begin with a comprehensive list of attendees. This is a must-do for any board meeting, but especially so for virtual ones. You run the risk of being left out of people who may have valuable ideas and insights.

Make it clear to everyone how they can participate in the meeting. If necessary, offer multiple ways to join, for example via video and audio.

Make use of modern remote-board software that offers a variety of features that are designed to increase participation and make meetings more fun. The right software will also assist you in keeping your meeting on time by facilitating efficient discussion and efficient minutes-taking.

Set the goal for each discussion topic. This helps the meeting stay focused and reduces the time wasted on unnecessary or irrelevant topics. It’s also beneficial to set a time limit for each point of discussion. This is important because it can be easy for the meeting to go off track and take longer than anticipated.

Create a waiting room for those who aren’t able to attend the meeting, but wish to. This can be helpful if there unexpected conflicts in the schedule or technical issues that can’t be resolved.