How to Protect the Personal Data That Goes Into Your Digital Business

We live in an age where it’s hard to go more than one or two days without reading a story about hacks or data breaches which expose millions of personal records to hackers. People are seeking ways to secure their information online.

It’s important to know how to safeguard personal information in your digital business to fulfill your legal obligations, as well as to safeguard the privacy of your customers. Here are some tips to assist.

1. Identify Personal Data

According to the laws on data protection, personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual. In the age of technology it could be anything from biometric data to email addresses. However, a lot of information that might be personal may be excluded from the definition of personal data in certain circumstances. For example the case where an organization gathers various types of data on individuals and asks them to state their occupation this is likely not personal data because it can’t be used to identify an individual person.

Many companies are required to limit the amount of personal data they collect, and that’s typically beneficial as it can reduce the likelihood of a data breach. Additionally, the majority of laws governing data protection require a higher level security for sensitive personal information as compared to normal personal data. This is due to the fact that a breach of security could have more damaging effects or consequences for the data subject.